The specific cell name varies based on individual configuration, so the name of the default SCA application bus may vary between installations. 特定的计算单元名称因具体配置的不同而有所不同,因此缺省SCA应用程序总线的名称在不同的安装中可能有不同的名称。
( If you need functions with the same name and different input parameters, remember to use a different Specific Name). (如果需要具有相同名称但是带不同参数的多个函数,那么要记得使用不同的SpecificName)。
Specific name: A specific name that uniquely identifies the function. Specificname:惟一地识别函数的特定名称。
Reverse zones have a specific domain name that identifies them as reverse zones. 反向区域具有将其标识为反向区域的特定域名。
The specific name used to make a request to the method ( in this case, GetTemperature) 特定的名称,用于向方法提出请求(在本例中,为GetTemperature)
MessageSelector: If MQ LLM message properties are being used, you can specify a specific property name and value. messageSelector:如果MQLLM消息属性被使用,您可以指定属性名和属性值。
Get only the first child element with a specific name from Element. getFirstChildElement(). 从Element.getFirstChildElement()得到第一个具有特定名称的子元素。
In the wizard, specify the URL, the user name, the password, and, optionally, a specific name. 在向导中,指定URL、用户名、密码和可选的特定名。
GetProductsByCategory: find all products for the specific category name getProductsByCategory:寻找指定类名的所有产品
In this case the consumer application is enabled to dynamically bind to a different service instance by looking up services with a specific name or property in the repository. 在此情况下,将启用使用者应用程序,通过使用存储库中的特定名称或属性查找服务以动态地绑定到不同的服务实例。
Xpath is a simple way to find elements with no specific ID or name. Xpath是一种找到不带特定ID或名称的元素的简单方式。
Tp_specific name is "CICS" if the transaction manager is CICS. 如果事务管理器为CICS,则tpspecificname为“CICS”。
Generally the "SPECIFIC" name matches the stored procedure name. 一般来说,“SPECIFIC”名称匹配存储过程名。
If you're running Jaunty or another release, just replace intrepid with your specific release name ( current support includes Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, Karmic, and Lenny). 如果您运行Jaunty或其他版本,只需把intrepid替换为您的版本名(当前支持Hardy、Intrepid、Jaunty、Karmic和Lenny)。
Within these magic methods, you can examine the specific attribute name being accessed, assigned, or deleted. 通过使用这些方法,您可以检查被访问、赋值或删除的特定属性名。
This example still uses the "injection" which is somewhat superfluous to the general case; i.e.we put the enhanced class back into a specific name in the module namespace. 这个例子仍然使用了“注入”,这对普通情况来说有些多余;也就是说,我们将增强的类放回到模块名称空间中的一个特定名称中。
For example, if you want a specific cell name, you can lock this value into the pattern; if you want to use the same pattern with different cell names, you can leave it for deploy-time specification. 例如,如果您希望有一个具体的单元名,您可以将该值锁定到模式中;如果您希望使用带不同单元名的同一模式,您可以将其留给部署时规范。
Get a list of all child elements or child elements with a specific name using variations of Element. getChildElements(). 使用Element.getChildElements()的变体得到所有子元素或者具有特定名称的子元素。
For names sharing the same hash key, we maintain a linked-list at that same key-level to look up the configuration parameters for that specific logging token name. 对于那些共享相同散列值的名称来说,我们在相同的关键字级别上维护了一个链表,以方便查找相同的日志标记名的配置参数。
This option is enabled only if use a specific name and password is selected. 只有选定了“使用特定名称和密码”,才启用此选项。
Select this option to provide a specific user name and password. 选择此选项可以提供特定用户名和密码。
The DEATH NOTE will not take effect if you write a specific bictims name using several different pages. 为了让笔记起效,一个人的名字不能被写入多张页面。
The names are used interchangeably in this article for general terms, unless reference to a specific file or name is used. 如果没有引用特定的文件或名称,那么这两个名称在本文中可以互换使用。
Right that's a specific name, and what it basically says is, when I call the class instance. 好这是个特定的应用,它的意思也就是,让我调用一个类的实例。
Method to examine the compiler type configured in the build provider for a specific language name. 方法检查在生成提供程序中为特定语言名称配置的编译器类型。
In case the notable characteristic occurs upon use under any circumstance prescribed in Item ( 1),( 2) or ( 4) of the preceding paragraph, it can be confirmed as a specific name, package and decoration. 前款第(一)、(二)、(四)项规定的情形经过使用取得显著特征的,可以认定为特有的名称、包装、装潢。
Specific project name and location ( We will create a unique file for this project under your name so that we can protect your interests.) 具体的工程名称和位置(我们将为此制作专门的档案,以便保护用户的利益)。
Method will find the specific listener you name. 方法将查找您命名的特定侦听器。
The elements that are used broadly are easily taken as relational while the specific name of a place is hard to be taken as relational unless it functions as the subject of place. 表意比较概括的处所成分容易关系化,专名较难关系化,除非它在关系小句中充当处所主语;
It is whether the contract type in the contract law or in the civil code has stipulated and is given a specific name as the standard, and make the classification. 其是以合同类型是否在合同法中或民法典中有所规定并被赋予一个特定名称为标准而作出的分类。